There were (in the past) and still are very good reasons for 'British' people to get the hell out of England as soon as they could.
Most of Britain (90%) is 'owned' by non-natives, the 'class' system is still rampant, the big cities are expensive and crime ridden, the education system is poor (unless you went to Oxford as the author of the article did), job prospects (high wage earning) are mostly centered in London or the South East (or non-existant).
The stereotypes mentioned by the author are mostly limited to a certain (middle/upper class) range of the population of England and not Wales or Scotland or even Ireland.
About the only positive thing I can say, as a Welshman, about Brits (the English) is their 'sense of humour'. They can make me laugh whereas I can sit stone faced through most 'American' humour.
I lived in Chapel Hill, North Carolina for 8 years and I loved it. The dental school at the university fixed all the appalling dental work done in the UK ( I became a case study!). I did not miss a single aspect of 'Brit' life, marmite, tea, warm beer, chips and avoided all Brits if encountered. In fact, I forgot Britain existed. I suffered a year of gloom, poverty and depression after (visa expiry enforced) returning through the dirty grey rain soaked skies above Heathrow to London.
So, not an anglophile! Why am I still here then is a question I keep asking myself. Of course, the US has changed a lot in the last few years and there are many things about current US society that actually frighten me alot more than arrogant ignorant 'British' twats. I brew my own beer.