The Last President

The Last President

This is the story of characters descended from the earliest settlers of North America and how one of them becomes the ‘Last President of the USA’, triggering the apocalyptic events that are foretold in the Book of Mormon.

4 min read

Synopsis and storyline of The Last President by Marco Lineas serialised (with permission) on Medium.

The Story

This is the story of characters descended from the earliest settlers of North America and how one of them becomes the ‘Last President of the USA’, triggering the apocalyptic events that are foretold in the Book of Mormon.

The Beginning

Multi-billionaire Ananias Jones has decided to run for US Congress in a time some years after the 45th President, Donald Trump, has left office. He is looking to hire a political campaign manager. On a beach casting sea fishing trip on the Outer Banks in North Carolina, interrupted by a hurricane, he meets up with Carlos Fernandes, a fishing guide, and a relationship begins that carries Ananias all the way to the White House.

The History

Although it is the Mayflower contingent of settlers, known as The Pilgrims, who are credited with being the original founders of America in 1620, it is known that there were many Native American Indian tribes inhabiting the area and also several long established Spanish colonies from South Carolina down to South America. Although the first colonists from England, brought over by Sir Walter Raleigh fifty years before, had apparently been ‘lost’; there are tantalising traces and clues that point to the suspicion that some of these original settlers had indeed survived in North Carolina in the foothills of the Blue Mountain range.

Following apparent abandonment by John Wight, the first expedition leader, who has been stuck in England because of a war with Spain, the remaining colonists from the first settlement of 1590 attempt to find a route inland from Cape Hatteras and Roanoke Island. They are guided by Manteo, a member of the apparently friendly indigenous Croatoan Indians, but get lost in the almost impenetrable swamps that bar the route — swamps now known as Merchants Mill Pond and The Great Dismal Swamp. Nothing is ever heard of the party again. Over the years, this led to many myths and legends surrounding ‘The Lost Colony’ and huge speculation and historical and archaeological research into what became of them.

The Treasure

The ‘Lost Colony’ settlers came from several parts of England and Wales and included Joachim Gans — the Jew , a metallurgist from Prague, Ananias Dare (John White’s son in law), Elizabeth Dare, Ralph Lane, Thomas Harriot and a small number of non-conformist religious dissidents from Wales. They brought with them on Sir Walter Raleigh’s ships, Hopewell and Moonlight, all the belongings and tools that they would need in the New World. These belongings included artefacts and items that were precious to their owners. It has long been speculated that these were lost with the colonists but have also been the subject of many treasure hunts in the area.

It is thought that the Welsh contingent, in particular, brought with them items of pale gold, from mines in Snowdonia, with which they paid for their passage on Raleigh’s ship and thought to use in trade with the Indians and with other colonists. Another theory is that the items of gold were the ‘Golden Plates’ buried and found at Hill of Cumorah, Palmyra NY, by the founder of the Mormon religion, Joseph Smith, in 1827. The Saints went on from Illinois during the 1847–1855 Gold Rush to found Salt Lake City in Utah. The treasure went with them and this, along with the real gold found and and land titles ceded to those descended from the original Saints by the Mormon Church, is the foundation of the huge wealth and political influence of the Wight family.

Big Pharma

Pharmaceuticals is one of the most corrupt but influential businesses in the US. Burroughs Welcome (now GlaxoSmithKline), founded by Nobel Prize winners Gertrude Elion and George Hitching, in the Research Triangle Park (RTP) in North Carolina has a spectacular headquarters and laboratory site employing hundreds of top level scientists. In RTP there are several top secret government research laboratories, like the NIEHS, also located nearby.

What are they all doing? Who is working on what? Artificial Intelligence (AI), Biohacking, personalised medicine and brain hacking for robotics.

This is also when we meet the beautiful Gina Dare, a top executive with GSK based at RTP whose family is descended from Carolina ‘Royalty’, who claim to be descended from John Wight and Ananias Dare of the Lost Colony.

Gina meets Congressman Ananias Wight and begin their romance.

The Drug

Why was Monsanto so successful? It is because of genetically modified seeds (corn, soya, sugar beet, tobacco, poppy, marijuana) that are resistant both to Roundup weedkiller and also insect attack. As a further expansion of profits, in 1984 they took over G.D Searle, a pharmaceutical firm based in Chicago, in order to acquire the rights to aspartame the basis of Canderel and other modern nocal sweeteners. Following the takeover, the talented team of Searle UK biochemists disappeared from public view to work on top secret US military projects. Some died in mysterious circumstances and at least one became senior at competitor GSK.

We now know that this team is behind the drugs and vaccines developed specifically to create and then treat and cure genetically engineered weaponised airborne vector viruses such as Flubola, CoronaFlu, CovidBola and insect vector borne viruses like Lymebola and Zykabola. The section leader for these secret military financed projects is the troubled Henry Harriot who is divorced from Gina Dare.

The Politics

The Vision/mission/secret society

The Campaign

The Presidency

Read this serialised novel in episodes beginning at…

Episode 1 - The Hurricane. | Episode 2 - The Dismal Swamp