So many questions…So many worries.
That we are living a dystopian nightmare and in the biblically foretold Time of Tribulation can no longer be denied- even for those of us in sleepy sheepish rural Wales.
Has there been a fundamental shift in our collective perception of realities (and Jungian spheres of collective unconscious) since the election of US President Trump? Are we living the promised End of Days and arising of the anti-Christ? Are we living in one of the ‘newsreels’ collected by Philip K Dick’s The Man in the High Castle? Or are we witnessing the Orwellian ‘Big Brother’ controlling by SkyNet (aka StarLink) and the AI takeover of employment, communication and human creativity?
Re-reading Philip K Dick’s novels and re-watching Bladerunner and The Terminator films, I have the uncomfortable feeling that my paranoia is all true and all justified. Isaac Asimov’s three laws of robotics have been rewritten to substitute the words ‘human being’ with ‘American Corporation’.
Is my Evangelical Faith strong enough to be one of the chosen ‘Raptured’? Probably not. The Chapels are all closed, crumbling or converted to Airbnbs.
Identity crisis
Do I feel Welsh? Does my mood lift as I drive over the Severn bridge and see the Croeso Cymru sign? Do I experience ‘hiraeth’ when I’m travelling or living abroad? Has my life long loyalty to Plaid Cymru been strained to breaking point? Does hearing Dafydd Iwan’s Yma o hyd stir the blood? Do I even like rugby union even if I could afford the tickets to an International and my liver could withstand the alcohol abuse or the abominable pies? Or the rage.
I have three (remaining) pals living in and from the Welsh Valleys whom I’ve known for donkeys. All three are ‘working class’ non-Cymraeg speakers. Politically, all are ex-Labour voters. One is now a Reform UK party voter, the other two ‘none of the above’ party. All three voted for BREXIT. ‘Why?’ I asked them. ‘Do you like shooting at your feet?’ No answer (well, none printable) apart from ‘It’s your round, butty.’
Modern Times
Scene 1: I am sitting at a grey metallic desk across from a Rick Deckard clone at my job seeker interview. The unblinking lens of an AI connected camera embedded in the wall is focused on my every expression, iris movement, every blink. There is an odour of stale urine pervading the room.
I commence to lie.
Benefits withdrawn.
Scene 2: My flight has landed at Musk International (ex-La Guardia).
Please step this way, Sir. Please put your mobile in the tray, Sir. Are you a member of…? Have you visited …? Do you subscribe to …? Do you believe in Jesus, Sir?
There’s no need for that kind of language, Sir. Hands behind your back, Sir. Up against the wall, (you know the word).
Denied entry.
Scene 3: After a four week wait, I’m at the local GP surgery seated in front of my nice doctor.
So what’s the problem? I wriggle embarrassedly in the chair and explain…
Well, that’s interesting! Very common for men of your age. The good news is that we can certainly do something about that. How do you want to proceed? You can either pay to have the treatment tomorrow, or we can add you to our waiting list for free treatment.
How long? How much? Mortgage needed?
Live with it.
Scene 4: It’s insurance renewal time
The premiums have gone up HOW MUCH!
Computer say no
Scene 5: I’m in car garage/dealer
You need this small itty bitty part to pass the MOT. We can fit it today, but it needs to be pre-paid and ‘unlocked’ remotely by the manufacturer. The cost of this will be….
Oh, just take it away, I’ll take the bus.
Oh, wait…
Scene 6: My son has been called up by the military to remotely guide drones in Ukraine
It’s good pay Dad, I can do it from home using my gaming PC. It’s tax free and I don’t need to sign on – wicked mun.
I give up
End Game
So what to do? As an ovine follower with a placid nature, who do I follow?
Come the apocalypse, as a video gamer I’ll be playing Fallout76 and 7 Days to Die.
Will I notice anything wrong outside?