Rosamaria Mancini

SOS Podcasts -3

The move to Germany was completely unexpected, a big surprise.

15 min read

Serialisation (with permission) of SOS Podcasts by Rosamaria Mancini

Episode 3 - Where the fox and the hare say goodnight to each other.

The move to Germany was completely unexpected, a big surprise. I thought I knew what I was getting into when I married Marco in San Giovanni della Pigna, a beautiful, bonboniere-like church in Rome’s historic center. Like I explained, Marco was in the military, but it was the Italian Air Force where deployments or assignments overseas are rare. In fact, they are highly sought after and difficult to get because of all the benefits. So, I never worried about moving and leaving everything behind every few years because Marco’s permanent duty station was Rome. In more than 10 years, Marco had only one major deployment to Afghanistan, and obviously I didn’t go with him. That wasn’t until Marco dropped the job-in-Germany bomb and with that decision his career trumped, more like trampled over, mine.