Reading this interesting article made me reflect on what led up to my own current experience as a 'solopreneur'. I have never been a particularly clever or dynamic person and have a very average intelligence and education. I have worked most of my life (until the last 15 years) as a junior hack for corporations of various sizes. I have never 'moved up the ranks' like you though. In that time I have been made redundant or been laid off more than 6 times and fired twice.
The major reason for sticking it out 'in a job' was because of a young family and the need to have a 'job' in order to obtain a mortgage. Also, I couldn't think of ways to earn sufficient money outside a job with a company. Don't get me wrong, not for the want of trying and thinking about it but before the advent of 'the internet' solopreneurship was an impossibility for the average Joe like me.
What set me on the 'path' (and it's still a narrow path!) was the arrival, in my area, of high speed broadband. So I have been a 'solopreneur' now for over a decade and believe me it's much better for my health, family, well being and even bank balance than my previous so-called 'career'.
So yes, I agree with what you have to say. Keep it up!
Best wishes.