Local Publicity

Local Publicity

Many authors are private and solitary people by nature and thoroughly detest marketing or promotion that requires them to be physically…

2 min read

Many authors are private and solitary people by nature and thoroughly detest marketing or promotion that requires them to be physically present. Despite this it is well worth getting out there in the local community to promote their books.

1: Readers want to connect to the author as well as their book.

As tempting as it is to fire off emails, launch advertising campaigns and chat on social media from the safety of your home — while these tactics definitely have a place in marketing your book — it is far more important to get out and into the real world.

2: Every interaction you have is an opportunity to market.

Wherever you go and with whoever you meet in your daily job or life try to bring the conversation round to start chatting about books and be sure to mention your own.

3: Always have copies of your book in your car or other marketing material available for your ebook.

Because the Internet affords us a global reach, we tend to dismiss our immediate community and environment. It can be a rich source of exposure for your book.

4: You never know who will be a potential reader.

Every author who has ever made a successful career out of writing has one thing in common: they are well known. Except for the extremely rare exception, they didn’t achieve this by staying at home.

If a big name has published you then you would have a team of professionals to organize book signings, tours and author interviews. The big publishing houses know how important it is to have a physical presence as well as a digital one when it comes to marketing books.

Most authors, however, need to create this publicity themselves:

  • Look for local events and book fairs in your area that you could speak at or have a little stand to showcase your books.
  • Call your local newspaper and radio stations and offer your expertise and a book giveaway.
  • Say YES to invitations (even if it is to an art gallery, library or the local school) you never know whom you might meet.
  • Please don’t spam people in person, but don’t be shy about mentioning your book either — especially if the opportunity presents itself.

Publicity is a key component in your book marketing campaign — so get out there and be public!

Hat tip! Sonia Killik

Originally published at https://www.cambriabooks.co.uk on April 13, 2021.