
A poem for Poetry Month by Simon Smith

1 min read

A poem for Poetry Month by Simon Smith

Here, on the estuary’s forgotten shore,
 away from the road’s tarmac gravity,
 the dark begins to pool early against 
 high boulder banks and the dune’s downslope.

Another swarm of dreams is scattering south.
 With a luthier’s ear for resonance
 and absences, the river channels out
 its own meandering chamber-course.

Snow stillness; snow silence. And yet no snow:
 “Too cold for it”. Deep cold, more than enough 
 to snuff the stars into a charred blackness
 and scorch this great dark bore hole to the moon.

Everything is drawn of its ghosts
 and now the frost begins to populate
 this void, creeping from every crack and crevice, 
 extrapolating brittle feathered forms
 so exact 
 humerus to radius
 so intricate
 radius to ulna;
 each shiny new angle geared for flight
 yet still grounded come first light of morning.

This poem is reproduced with permission from Waiting for a Hunter’s Moon by Simon Smith published by Cambria Publishing and available to buy HERE

Waiting for a Hunter’s Moon by Simon Smith
Waiting for Hunter’s Moon