Y Clochydd

Cambria Zeitgeist - Sept 2024 (1)

What's happening? What's new? What's going to happen?

5 min read

What's Happening? What's New? What's Evil?
Check out the latest articles and curated lists below:

Ben Wildsmith. Employers are empowered to stalk our utterances and monitor our behaviour in and out of the workplace. If they want rid of us, they will find a way.

An Honest Day’s Work
Ben Wildsmith A friend of mine, who works for an English local authority in the parks department, was hauled up before a disciplinary meeting this week accused of making a political post on his personal Facebook page during an election campaign. I can only imagine the whitening of his knuckles, gnarled as they are by […]

Eric Sentell. What’s a writing teacher — or a writer — supposed to do when most of the world doesn’t want to read and believes that writing will eventually get outsourced to AI anyway?

Teaching During the “Rise of AI” and the “End of Reading”
How did we get here, and where are we going?

Walter Rhein. If your strategy for becoming a successful writer requires people to put down their phones and pick up a book then you’ve already failed. People are addicted to their phones. They don’t even put down their phones to drive.

Why I Stand By My Declaration that the Novel Is Dead
How your commitment to outdated concepts is sabotaging your ability to contribute to humanity

Joan Westenberg. The political media has been a mess for a long time. It’s just that now, we’re seeing the consequences of that mess play out in real-time, on a scale that’s impossible to ignore. 

The Political Media Dumpster Fire: How We Got Here and Why It’s Worse Than You Think
For decades, we’ve been operating under this quaint notion that the media is some kind of noble institution, a source of truth and…

Nick Hilton. The internet is changing, growing nimbler, speeding up. Nowhere is the pace of change more evident that on Elon Musk’s Twitter — or X 

The Media Love Affair with Twitter Must End
The fight for the soul of social media is over — journalists need to withdraw

Walter Rhein. After decades of experience I can only conclude that unless you’re a member of the “in crowd,” the decision makers will never give you any serious consideration. 

Why It’s Comical That the Writing Industry Doesn’t Care How Talented You Are
If you get to the point where you’re offered a publishing contract, you probably no longer need one

Read below our lists of articles by Medium writers we follow on topics of interest to our audience such as writing advice, politics, evil things happening in the world and more.

List: Writing Advice | Curated by Cambria Stories | Medium
45 stories
List: Politics | Curated by Cambria Stories | Medium
9 stories
List: Evil | Curated by Cambria Stories | Medium
33 stories
List: Artificial Intelligence AI | Curated by Cambria Stories | Medium
50+ stories

Editors note. The topics, content and opinions in these linked articles are those of their authors. Read at your own discretion.

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