Y Clochydd

Cambria Zeitgeist - Oct 2024 (1)

What's happening? What's new? What's going to happen?

5 min read

What's Happening? What's New? What's Evil?
Check out the latest articles, AI powered podcasts and curated lists below:

Jonathan Edwards: The closure of the last remaining blast furnace at Tata Steel Port Talbot, marks a significant turning point in the UK's industrial history. He highlights the economic and strategic implications of the UK becoming reliant on imported steel, while also exploring the role of global corporations and their impact on national economies.

Read the article or listen to an audio podcast (AI generated).

Closure of Port Talbot blast furnace exposes limits of state power
Jonathan Edwards Future historians will benchmark this week’s sad closure of the last remaining blast furnace at Tata Steel Port Talbot as a turning point in the UKs industrial history. With the British Steel plant at Scunthorpe also due to turn off its own blast furnace, the UK as the birthplace of the industrial revolution […]

Article by Jonathan Edwards

Dropbox Replay
Dropbox Replay allows creative teams to better create, collaborate on and deliver content.

AI generated Audio Podcast

Joan Westenberg: Is AI the future of democracy, or the end of it? The 2024 elections are the battleground for a new kind of warfare — where artificial intelligence could decide who wins.

Read the article or listen to an audio podcast (AI generated).

The AI Election: How Artificial Intelligence is Reshaping Democracy
Is AI the future of democracy, or the end of it? The 2024 elections are the battleground for a new kind of warfare — where artificial…

Article by Jaon Westenberg

Dropbox Replay
Dropbox Replay allows creative teams to better create, collaborate on and deliver content.

AI generated audio podcast

Janice Harayda: You won’t impress editors and agents with an outdated idea that doesn’t reflect modern publishing realities.

Why You Shouldn’t Try To Write ‘The Great American Novel’
You won’t impress editors and agents with an outdated idea that doesn’t reflect modern publishing realities

Read below our lists of articles by Medium writers we follow on topics of interest to our audience such as writing advice, politics, evil things happening in the world and more.

List: Writing Advice | Curated by Cambria Stories | Medium
47 stories
List: Evil | Curated by Cambria Stories | Medium
42 stories
List: Politics | Curated by Cambria Stories | Medium
21 stories
List: Artificial Intelligence AI | Curated by Cambria Stories | Medium
60+ stories

Editors note. The topics, content and opinions in these linked articles are those of their authors. Read at your own discretion.

Featured Book.

A Rhondda Romance

A Rhondda Romance is a tender exploration of first love, lust and loss, of belonging and being different. New Edition of The Great Welsh Auntie Novel.

Click here for more info and to BUY

Publishing Conference - call for papers

Background. The demise of the English language Welsh 'cultural' periodicals Planet, New Welsh Review and others has caused considerable consternation in Wales and questions about the path followed and priorities of cultural funding agencies. In addition, some aspects of the Welsh Books Council support for the sector is perceived to be 'not fit for purpose', dated or misdirected.

Purpose. The purpose of the conference is to bring together industry professionals and interested parties to discuss 'what's next' and to find 'innovative' ways forward for book and periodical publishing in Wales.

Although in an online dominated age threatened by political interference/ineptness, over reliance on grants, BREXIT, AI, unsustainable rises in production costs and a catastrophic drop in long-form 'reading' by the tictoc video generations, seems to spell doom for the industry, particularly in Wales, there are positive signs and innovations that should encourage publishers to adapt and thrive and these are the avenues which the conference wants to address.

Action. If you want to keep in touch, have an interest, or want to participate, you can let us know by emailing us or completing the form below. More details, venue, confirmed presenters and attendance cost - TBA soon.

Conference Interest

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