Y Clochydd

Cambria Zeitgeist - Aug 2024 (2)

What's happening? What's new? What's going to happen?

4 min read

What's Happening? What's New? What's Evil?
Check out the articles and curated lists below:

Public asked to help shape the future of Wales’ culture sector
With the National Eisteddfod well underway, the Welsh Government is encouraging people to provide their views on its vision for the culture sector, with just under a month to go until the consultation closes. The draft Priorities for Culture focus on three main priorities: Bringing people together through culture; -promoting Wales as a nation of culture […]
The reverse-centaur apocalypse is upon us
Microsoft, Oracle, and other bossware dealers are transforming our workplaces with “virtual whips.”
Words for Sale: How ‘Writing Coaches’ Exploit Aspiring Authors
I am sick-to-fucking-death of the self-proclaimed writing gurus who swear they’re raking in six figures a year from their craft. Spoiler…
Refusing to call out Islamophobia has emboldened the far right – and the current violence is the result
Muslims and mosques continue to be targeted in the violence across the country.
No god in the machine: the pitfalls of AI worship
The long read: The rise of artificial intelligence has sparked a panic about computers gaining power over humankind. But the real threat comes from falling for the hype
List: Writing Advice | Curated by Cambria Stories | Medium
42 stories
No one buys books
Everything we learned about the publishing industry from Penguin vs. DOJ.
List: Evil | Curated by Cambria Stories | Medium
28 stories
List: Artificial Intelligence AI | Curated by Cambria Stories | Medium
50+ stories

Editors note. The topics, content and opinions in these linked articles are those of their authors. Read at your own discretion.

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