Del Hughes

Naked Attraction

Look, I don’t profess to be an expert on muff grooming. Yes, in my younger years, I’ve had the occasional bikini wax.

7 min read

Serialisation of A Year of Living Dangerously by Del Hughes

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Look, I don’t profess to be an expert on muff grooming. Yes, in my younger years, I’ve had the occasional bikini wax. But nowadays I’m a martyr to ingrowing hairs, so a quick buzz once a month with Tim’s hair clippers (grade two), keeps down there mostly neat and tidy. But this lady had definitely tried a ‘Bermuda’ at some point. Her tiny triangle was a neat rug of wiry silver hair, but the rest of her area was mainly sparse, with stringy tendrils sprouting from her sagging mound like a pubic Day of the Triffids. I was transfixed, but I wasn’t there to compare bushes.